Refund and Returns Policy

We accept returns on all items within 30 days of receipt for a full refund or exchange.

If you return more than 4 items in your order, you will be charged a fee.


It is a condition of return that the goods are returned in the same condition as when you received the order. If the item has been used (other than for testing purposes), damaged, washed, altered or has lost labels/tags, we are entitled by law to charge a restocking fee.

You are always entitled to one prepaid return label per order, which will be used for the return. Always keep your return receipt or other proof of return from the carrier. If you need to return a second time, please contact our customer service.

Mcclure reserves the right to refuse returns after the 30 day return period and/or outside the Returns Policy. In the event of a refused return, we may return the item to your primary shipping address at your expense to cover shipping costs.

If you would like to return your order, please register for a refunded return at:[email protected]. You will be provided with return instructions after registering.


Once we receive your return, we will investigate and notify you of the outcome.

If you would like to exchange your item for a different color or size, please re-order a new item and we will re-ship it to you as is.

If a refund is requested, we will process it within 7-10 days, and your refund will be paid to your original payment method registered with us.


All return shipping costs are your responsibility and are non-refundable.

In the rare case that we send you a faulty item, please contact us immediately upon receipt of your faulty order and we will cover any resending costs to compensate you.


All items will be reviewed individually upon return. If we receive a returned item in an unsuitable condition, we reserve the right to refuse a refund and in the event of non-compliance with this Return Policy, you risk being suspended under our Fair Use Policy.

We are not responsible for items returned to us in error.

If the item is damaged or faulty upon delivery, always contact Customer Care. From there, you will be instructed to return the item for a full refund.


Email: [email protected]

Working hours: 8am – 6pm (from Monday to Friday)